Sunday, September 7, 20259:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Genesee Community College Map It!
1 College Road,
Batavia, NY, 14020
For over 50 years the Great Batavia Train Show that is hosted twice a year has grown to become one of the premier hobby events in Western New York between Buffalo and Rochester. Over 100 dealers along with railroad modeling and preservation societies participate. All forms of model railroad and train-related merchandise are available. Items offered include all scales of model trains, clothing, historic railroad items, books, videos and toys. Train layouts, modeling demonstrations, and door prizes featuring great railroad items, are part of the fun. Free parking and snack bar are available on-site.
Q 1) What can I expect should I decide to attend the Great Batavia Train Sale?
Q 2) Where is the show located?
Q 4) Do you have layouts at your show?
Q 5) Are there children’s activities at the show?
Q 6) Is there an ATM at the show?
Q 7) Do your vendors accept credit cards?
Q 9) Can I pay for admission without using cash?
Q 10) Can I buy tickets in advance?
Q 11) Is there food available?
Q 12) Do I have to pay for parking?
Q 13) Is the show handicapped accessible?
Q 1) What can I expect should I decide to attend the Great Batavia Train Sale?
The popular train show typically attracts 1,200 to 1,500 model railroad enthusiasts and railfans from across Western and Central NY, Northwestern Pennsylvania, and Southern Ontario. There are over 100 vendors occupying 250 tables offering merchandise ranging from antique railroad artifacts to the most modern digitally controlled model trains.
Q 2) Where is the show located?
At the Richard C. Call Arena, Genesee Community College, 1 College Road, Batavia, NY 14020
Q 3) What are the show hours?
9:30AM – 3:30PM
Q 4) Do you have layouts at your show?
The Great Batavia Train Sale is a buy/sell event. There are some small layouts that fit on a tabletop, but you will not find the large layouts that you might encounter at other train shows. This is due to the large number of vendors that our show attracts. There is simply not enough room in the facility to accommodate large layouts. Also, our show is a 1-day event. Due to the amount of time it takes to set up the large layouts, clubs that own/operate the large layouts prefer to attend 2-day or longer events.
Q 5) Are there children’s activities at the show?
Children’s activities are limited. There may be a few tabletop layouts that kids can interact with.
Q 6) Is there an ATM at the show?
There is not an ATM in the Richard C. Call facility. There is an ATM across the parking lot in The Genesee Community College Cafeteria area.
Q 7) Do your vendors accept credit cards?
Some do, some don’t. It is a good idea to bring some cash for those vendors that do not take credit cards.
Q 8) How much is Admission?
$6 (Adults), $3 (under 18 yrs.), Free (under 13 yrs.)
Q 9) Can I pay for admission without using cash?
No, not at this time.
Q 10) Can I buy tickets in advance?
No, not at this time.
Q 11) Is there food available?
Yes. There is a snack shop typically operated as a fundraiser for Genesee Community College sports teams.
Q 12) Do I have to pay for parking?
No, parking is free.
Q 13) Is the show handicapped accessible?
Q 14) How do I become a vendor?
Q 15) How large are the tables?
Q 16) Are chairs provided?
Q 17) What time can I set up?
Q 18) Can I leave the show early?
Q 19) Where do I park?
Q 20) What happens if I cancel my reservation?
Q 21) What if I have a reservation and don't show-up?
Q 22) What if I show up late?
Q 23) Why was my table space moved from where I was last time?
Q 24) Can I bring my own tables?
Q 25) Can I get a table next to my friend?
Q 26) Can I bring someone to help me at my table?
Q 27) Can I bring family members with me?
Q 28) Are you going to expand to a two-day show?
Q 29) Why don't you have layouts like other train shows?
Q 31) If I can't make it to the show, can I sublet my tables to someone else?
Q 32) Can I request a table with electricity? Is there an additional charge for electrical service?
Q 33) Do I need a NY State tax identification number if I'm only selling my own stuff?
Q 34) Who do I contact if I have an emergency and can't make it to the show?
Q 35) Do you have carts and helpers to move my merchandise into the facility?
Q 36) Do I need to clean-up before I leave?
Q 37) Can I bring in my merchandise on the Saturday before the show?
Q 38) Is there anything else I need to know about the train show?
Q 14) How do I become a vendor?
Since our show routinely sells-out of vendor space, we do not offer on-line registration or vendor registration forms. Interested parties should contact us through our train show email address:
Q 15) How large are the tables?
Our tables are standard 8 ft. X 30 in. "banquet" tables. We have no restrictions on display height as long as they do not interfere with adjacent tables and pose no risk to the public.
Q 16) Are chairs provided?
Yes. One chair is provided for each table reserved. Additional chairs are free if available.
Q 17) What time can I set up?
Vendor set-up can take place after checking-in at our registration desk. That is where your table location is given. In general, registration begins at 7:00 AM on the day of the show. In special cases, earlier times can be arranged.
Q 18) Can I leave the show early?
The Great Batavia Train Show is open to the public from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM. We ask that you remain "open" for this time period. We have had attendees express disappointment in the past when vendors pack-up early, so we strongly discourage the practice. Leaving early may result in loss of future table reservations.
Q 19) Where do I park?
There is a large parking area directly across from the arena. You can unload your vehicle at the overhead door on the right side of the building, or along the driveway in front. You must move your vehicle after unloading to make room for other vendors and to keep the fire lanes clear.
Q 20) What happens if I cancel my reservation?
If you have a paid reservation and need to cancel, we often are able to find other vendors to take your space. A deadline for cancellations is given on your confirmation postcard. Please call us as early as possible if you think you may not be able to attend.
Q 21) What if I have a reservation and don't show-up?
Non-attendance without any notification means no refund and probable loss of future reservations.
Q 22) What if I show up late?
If you arrive later than 9:00 AM you probably will not be able to set-up at the show. The vendor access door is closed shortly after 9 and when the show opens to the public, we can’t have vendors moving carts through the aisles or having supplies sitting in the aisles. This would present a hazardous situation for our patrons. If you are having a problem on the day of the show, please call.
Q 23) Why was my table space moved from where I was last time?
While we make every effort to accommodate requests, we do not guarantee any particular location within the room. Since vendors frequently change the number of tables they reserve, some table shuffling always occurs between shows. Vendors with only one or two tables are more subject to relocation, but again, we only do this when necessary.
Q 24) Can I bring my own tables?
No, you cannot bring your own table. If you have a stand-up display that does not require a table, we can leave the area open if arrangements are made in advance.
Q 25) Can I get a table next to my friend?
We try to accommodate requests when we can. Once again though, specific table locations are not guaranteed.
Q 26) Can I bring someone to help me at my table?
Yes. We allow each vendor to bring one "helper" with them at no additional charge. If you reserve several tables, additional helpers may be allowed. Those decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. We ask that you do not abuse this policy.
Q 27) Can I bring family members with me?
Family members are treated the same as helpers. If you have children, under 13 they are free. Remember, the show is not a playground, and you are responsible for their conduct.
Q 28) Are you going to expand to a two-day show?
There are no plans to expand to a two-day show. The majority of our vendors have a strong preference toward our one-day format.
Q 29) Why don't you have layouts like other train shows?
Our one-day format and emphasis on offering the largest number of train-related dealers in Western New York limits our ability to host portable layouts. We will continue to offer a selection of model train displays to support local club activity and give our younger patrons a view of operating trains. Our overall goal is to maintain our reputation as "the place to buy trains" in WNY.
Q 30) Why do you have table registration for the next show during the current event? What if I don't sign up?
We offer our vendors the option of renewing their table reservation during the train show. In addition to a 20% discount from the normal table cost, vendors are assured a place in the next show by signing-up in this way. Vendors who decline the opportunity to renew are charged full table price if they choose to register for tables later and run the risk of not getting space due to a sell-out.
Q 31) If I can't make it to the show, can I sublet my tables to someone else?
Only if discussed with the train show chairman first and with his approval. Since we have a waiting list of vendors, we need to take care of the people who are in-line for tables. Matters like this will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Q 32) Can I request a table with electricity? Is there an additional charge for electrical service?
Electrical service is very limited. Please contact us regarding availability.
Q 33) Do I need a NY State tax identification number if I'm only selling my own stuff?
NY State law requires anyone selling merchandise anywhere other than on their own property to have a NYS tax identification number and pay the appropriate tax on items sold. Please refer to the State tax website for specifics on this policy: We have had State tax inspectors visit our show in the past.
Q 34) Who do I contact if I have an emergency and can't make it to the show?
There are several ways to do this: First, if you need to cancel a day or more before the show, use the email address: . The other way is to call the show chairman. The number is on your reservation receipt. Finally, the show chairman's cell phone number is printed on the confirmation postcard you received prior to the show. Keep this card with you, and please use the cell number only in an emergency.
Q 35) Do you have carts and helpers to move my merchandise into the facility?
In general, you should plan to move your stuff yourself. There are usually a few carts that vendors share, but you may have to wait for one. While we try to be as helpful as possible, our club does not have the manpower to help vendors move their supplies.
Q 36) Do I need to clean-up before I leave?
YES! Our show has a great relationship with the college and cleaning up after ourselves helps that. We do get charged for excessive time spent on cleaning the room and those charges, if they become routine, will result in higher table fees. Plan to take out what you brought in. There are cardboard recycling bins provided and please take precautions to avoid spills on the carpeted floor.
Q 37) Can I bring in my merchandise on the Saturday before the show?
No. Our contract for rental of the facility only covers the event on Sunday. There is no security provided on Saturday, or overnight.
Q 38) Is there anything else I need to know about the train show?
We’ve held over 100 shows and pride ourselves on having the most popular train show in Western New York. Much of the reason for our success is the quality of the vendors and work our club does to host and promote the event. We view our vendors as partners, and ask that you treat our staff, the facility, and our patrons with respect, and conduct business as you would if you owned your own store.
The GSME facility in Oakfield, NY comprises several layout rooms, kitchen, work room, and storage areas. The club also maintains an ever-expanding library of railroad-related video media. The collection, which currently includes over 400 pieces, includes “how-to” instructional media along with a wide selection featuring local prototype railroads. Map It!
GSME members enjoy many social events. A holiday party, summer picnic, and frequent train-watching excursions add variety to membership activities. Special events such as wine tasting tours, baseball games, and visits to local railroad attractions are also very popular with our members.
The semi-annual Great Batavia Train Shows are a major focus of attention within the GSME. In addition to being our primary source of operating revenue, the shows offer the opportunity for club members to meet with other hobby enthusiasts and vendors. It’s a lot of work, but with nearly 100% participation from the membership, the events have grown to be the most popular train shows in western New York. We celebrated our 100th train show in 2023
Another popular event on the GSME calendar is the annual open house held the first Saturday in December. Coinciding with the Christmas season, this event offers the opportunity for the members and guests to visit our facility and share in our enjoyment of model railroading.
The GSME has adopted New York Central and Hudson River Railroad engine #999 as the focal point of our club logo. There are strong connections between the story of this famous locomotive and the City of Batavia where our club was founded.
In preparation for the World’s Fair of 1893, the 999 was modified by the NYC&HRR to make a run at the world speed record. On May 10th, 1893 the engine, pulling the Empire State Express, reached a speed of 112.5 MPH just west of Batavia, NY. Engineer Charley Hogan of Le Roy, NY was at the throttle when the 999 became the fastest man-made object on earth!
News of the event reached around the world and the locomotive became a major attraction at the World’s Fair and many other promotional events. The U.S. Postal service honored the 999 by featuring it on a 2₵ stamp issued in 1901.
The locomotive is now on display at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.
The GSME is proud to feature an image of this historic engine as part of our connection to railroading and the local community.
The Genesee Society of Model Engineers began celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2019. Although our train shows are well known, Here’s a little history behind the organization itself.
The G.S.M.E was founded in 1969 by a small group of model railroad enthusiasts in the Batavia, NY area. Prior to this, local modelers had formed the Batavia Model Railroad Association which held informal meetings at their homes. NMRA members formed the nucleus of the GSME.
Like its predecessor organization, early GSME meetings were also held at the homes of the membership. This arrangement continued for about 8 years, and the club grew to around 30 participants. It was decided that a location was needed for meetings, and construction of club layouts. After a false start or two, the requirement was met around 1978 when the club began renting space on the second floor of a bank in the Village of Oakfield, NY. This led to legal incorporation of the club in the State of NY in 1979. Oakfield still serves as home to the G.S.M.E.
In 1970, founding member Marty Phelps had the idea of holding a train show in the town of Batavia. He convinced the membership, and with the help of Max Stell, the first Batavia Train Show was launched. Marty and Max ran the event until 1994 when Marty’s work as founder of the Medina Railroad Museum required his full-time attention.
The show was held at a several different locations as it grew over the years. While first starting at the Batavia Fire hall, it moved to the Alexander Fire Dept. and then to the Holiday Inn in Batavia.
As expansion of the event continued, the Batavia Downs Racetrack became its home until the lure of slot machines caused the State to down-size the area available for rental. A brief return to the hotel occurred until the Richard C. Call arena at Genesee Community College was completed in 2017. The RCC arena has proved to be a great location for the event, and the club celebrated its 100th train show in April 2023. The event is now under the direction of LSD member Mike Pyszczek who took the reins from Marty and is only the second person to hold the position of train show chairman during club’s first 50 years. Show revenue is used for rent, insurance, utilities and our open house, and we greatly appreciate your patronage.
Q 39) Where are the club’s facilities located?
Q 40) Does the club have operating layouts?
Q 41) Are you open to the public?
Q 42) Can I bring trains to run at your club?
Q 43) What hours are you open?
Q 44) How do I become a member?
Q 39) Where are the club’s facilities located?
The Genesee Society of Model Engineers is located at 50 Main Street (Rte. 63), Oakfield, N.Y. (above the M&T Bank) and is open Tuesdays from 7:00pm until 9:00pm. Business meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month. Visit Like us on Facebook. Visitors welcomed. (Stair access only.)
Q 40) Does the club have operating layouts?
Club members maintain operating layouts in O Gauge (Lionel), HO & N scale.
Club members maintain operating layouts in O Gauge (Lionel), HO & N scale.
Q 41) Are you open to the public?
Our club facilities are open Tuesday evenings from 7:00PM to 9:00PM with a Business Meeting held on the last Tuesday of each month. Visitors are welcome. Stairway access only. There is limited activity during the summer months, and it’s always best to contact us by email before visiting ( ).
Q 42) Can I bring trains to run at your club?
Guests may be invited to bring their trains if arrangements are made in advance. There are also designated operating/working sessions, so there may be times when certain layouts will not be available for operation. There are also some limitations regarding the 3-rail layouts as they are currently not set up for Lionel Legacy Systems operations. Our HO layout operates on digital command control (DCC) so locomotives would need to be properly equipped for that.
Q 43) What hours are you open?
Tuesdays, 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Q 44) How do I become a member?
First, arrange for a visit to see our facility and meet our members. We can then provide the details of our membership application procedure and the duties of membership. It’s fairly simple. Membership is open, so please come to see us if you’re interested.
Another popular event on the GSME calendar is the annual open house held the first Saturday in December. Coinciding with the Christmas season, this event offers the opportunity for the members and guests to visit our facility and share in our enjoyment of model railroading.
This once per year event is an opportunity for the G.S.M.E. membership to share our enthusiasm in the hobby of model railroading with our friends, neighbors, and visitors. Our operating model railroad layouts will be on display. Families and children of all ages are welcome to visit.
The club Open House is always the first Saturday in December.
Download Flier (pdf)Genesee Society of Model EngineersDept: Train Show CommitteeP.O. Box 75Oakfield, New York 14125
Genesee Society of Model EngineersDept: Club InfoP.O. Box 75Oakfield, New York 14125
Genesee Society of Model Engineers
Genesee Society of Model Engineers Facebook Page
Central New York Model Railroad Club & Historical Society, Inc.
Western New York Train Masters
Railroad Museum of the Niagara Frontier
Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum